
Questions? Presentation requests?
Press Contact: Rene Beard, Community Support
Phone: 803-734-9918

About Us

GetCareSC is a resource that allows seniors, caregivers, and adults with disabilities to search for service providers in their area. Users can search through all available providers, filtered by zip code, for local services like transportation, day care, group meals, and help with daily chores.

Aging is a complicated issue, and many people do not know where to turn to get answers to their questions. GetCareSC hopes to provide those answers with guides, articles, and tips.

GetCareSC also provides a comprehensive, up-to-date listing of available nursing home and assisted living beds. Searching for a bed for your loved one can be exhausting—in some areas, there are too few spaces available to meet the need. Our constantly-refreshing database allows you to see updated information about available beds and search for specific criteria, such as Medicaid or OSS beds. 

GetCareSC is a tool sponsored by the South Carolina Department on Aging. The SCDOA was established via the Older Americans Act, designed to help adults live independently in their homes for as long as possible. The Department on Aging works with 10 regional Area Agencies on Aging, to provide caregivers and seniors with information and referrals to service providers, and to alert them to any assistance programs they may be eligible for. 

Brand & Logo

Help us spread the word about GetCareSC! You can download high-resolution versions of our logo and screenshots of our site in action below. Our style guide contains complete instructions for logo usage.

Download style guide

Logos (JPG)

Logos (PNG)


Guidelines for logo usage

Do's Don'ts
  • Maintain the proper color configuration in the logotype
  • Use the branded caption logos where the provided context is minimal or insufficient for the audience
  • Maintain a healthy amount of clear space around the logo for proper brand awareness and consistency
  • Rotate logo type
  • Use added effects on the logotype
  • Use the logo on conflicting color floods

Social Media & Newsletters

We have pre-formatted the images below to fit neatly into a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram post. Please use these versions if you'd like to spread the word on social media! We've put together a few sample posts that you are welcome to use or modify to meet your needs. You can also insert our logo and tagline into your email newsletter.






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