Main Phone Number
Location Address
Vehicle Modifications
Smart Driver Classes that offer driving strategies, study changes to ourselves, our vehicles, & the roadways while showing helpful hints on how to drive safely longer.
Counties Served
- Aiken
- Allendale
- Bamberg
- Barnwell
- Edgefield
- Lexington
- Newberry
- Saluda
Intake Procedure
$15 for AARP members $20 for non-members. Anyone 26 years of age & above is qualified to attend our classes. Once class completed, participates will be given a certificate that they turn in to their insurance agent for a discount on their car insurance for 3 years.
Intake Requirements
- Other
Languages Spoken on site
English, SpanishInterpreter Line Available for Callers
YesTypes of Fees
- Other
Description of Organization
We offer 4-hour long courses geared for seniors to learn about safe driving strategies, changes to ourselves, the roads, & vehicles. These courses are useful for all ages and can help you get a discount on your car insurance.
We offer courses at $20 for AARP members and $25 for non-AARP members.
Counties Served
- Aiken
- Allendale
- Bamberg
- Barnwell
- Edgefield
- Lexington
- Newberry
- Saluda
Languages Spoken on site
Interpreter Line Available for Callers
Hours of operation
Open 9:00 AM - 1:00 on days classes are being taught. Classes are taught throughout the week.