Main Phone Number
Location Address
Hospice Facilities
Counties Served
- Aiken
- Anderson
- Bamberg
- Barnwell
- Calhoun
- Edgefield
- Greenville
- Kershaw
- Laurens
- Lexington
- Newberry
- Orangeburg
- Pickens
- Richland
- Saluda
- Spartanburg
- Sumter
Hospice at Home
Counties Served
- Abbeville
- Aiken
- Anderson
- Bamberg
- Barnwell
- Calhoun
- Edgefield
- Greenville
- Kershaw
- Laurens
- Lexington
- Newberry
- Orangeburg
- Pickens
- Richland
- Saluda
- Spartanburg
- Sumter
Description of Organization
Certified in 2012, Pathway Hospice was born out of the vision of a family owned company who realized the value of hospice care and wanted it for their families and neighbors.
Today, their vision and mission remain the cornerstones of our work and organizational soul.
Pathway Hospice is committed to serving those living with terminal illnesses, nearing the end of life, or experiencing grief by caring for their patients and helping to guide their families as they provide care and make decisions.
Pathway Hospice is community based, offering comprehensive hospice and palliative care, caregiver education, individual and group counseling, spiritual support and many other programs to those it serves regardless of race, age, faith, diagnosis or financial circumstances.
Our goal is to help each person in our community maintain the best quality of life and live each day with meaning and purpose. Toward that goal, we continue to add new programs and services to meet the changing needs of our community.
Counties Served
- Aiken
- Allendale
- Anderson
- Bamberg
- Barnwell
- Calhoun
- Edgefield
- Fairfield
- Greenville
- Kershaw
- Laurens
- Lexington
- Marlboro
- Newberry
- Oconee
- Orangeburg
- Richland
- Saluda
- Spartanburg
- Sumter
- Union
Licensed By
Interpreter Line Available for Callers
Hours of operation
Emergency/After Hours: 24 hours