Main Phone Number
Location Address
Respite Care Payment Assistance
Support is provided to these caregivers by outreach and information to community groups and organizations, by assistance provided to caregivers in accessing available services, and by individual and group counseling, education and training.
Qualified individuals may also benefit from limited respite care which is funded by the program and other supplemental services that help caregivers better care for their loved ones. Services might include, for example, construction of a ramp for accessibility to the home or help with the purchase of incontinent supplies or nutritional supplements.
Counties Served
- Abbeville
- Edgefield
- Greenwood
- Laurens
- Mccormick
- Saluda
Interpreter Line Available for Callers
NoTypes of Fees
- Free
- Sliding Scale
Information and Referral
The Information, Referral & Assistance Specialist will assess an individual's needs, help him/her determine options and an appropriate course of action, direct the individual to useful programs or services.
Counties Served
- Abbeville
- Edgefield
- Greenwood
- Laurens
- Mccormick
- Saluda
Languages Spoken on site
English, SpanishInterpreter Line Available for Callers
NoTypes of Fees
- Free
Abuse or Neglect
The Ombudsman serves as an advocate on behalf of residents in nursing homes and community residential care facilities.
Counties Served
- Abbeville
- Edgefield
- Greenwood
- Laurens
- Marlboro
- Saluda
Interpreter Line Available for Callers
NoTypes of Fees
- Free
Insurance Counseling
Insurance Counseling Assistance and Referral for Elders (I-CARE) is a federally funded insurance counseling program working under the guidance of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). ICARE assists all persons to understand what insurances they have and how to use the insurance in the most cost effective way, as well to help prevent individuals from becoming victims of Insurance fraud and scam. The focus areas are Medicare, Medicare Supplement, Medicare Savings, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Prescription Plans, Medicaid and the Senior Medicare Fraud program (SMP).
Counties Served
- Abbeville
- Edgefield
- Greenwood
- Laurens
- Mccormick
- Saluda
Interpreter Line Available for Callers
No -
Counties Served
- Abbeville
- Edgefield
- Greenwood
- Laurens
- Mccormick
- Saluda
Languages Spoken on site
English, assistance with SpanishInterpreter Line Available for Callers
No -
Prescription Management
Counties Served
- Abbeville
- Edgefield
- Greenwood
- Laurens
- Mccormick
- Saluda
Intake Procedure
Intake appointments take about 50 min
Intake Requirements
- Health Insurance Card(s)
- Medicaid Card
- Medicare Card
- Proof of Income
Interpreter Line Available for Callers
NoTypes of Fees
- Free
Description of Organization
Upper Savannah Area Agency on Aging (AAA) provides and finds services designed to assist seniors in leading independent, meaningful and dignified lives in their own homes and communities as long as possible.
Counties Served
- Abbeville
- Edgefield
- Greenwood
- Laurens
- Mccormick
- Saluda
Languages Spoken on site
Interpreter Line Available for Callers
Hours of operation
Open Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Fridays by appointment only.