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Found 22 providers

  • Aiken Senior Life Services




    1310 East Pine Log Road
    Aiken, SC 29803
    United States


    By providing meals, transportation, and social interaction to older adults, Aiken Senior Life Services – a private, charitable nonprofit organization established in 1971 – allows Aiken County seniors to gracefully age in place. 


    Aiken Senior Life Services, in partnership with Meals on Wheels America, provides a hot, nutritious meal to any senior who is unable to leave their home or who has difficulty preparing a meal. These meals are delivered by volunteers that provide important social interaction to homebound seniors. These visits, which serve as important “wellness checks,” often turn into lasting friendships. 




  • Calhoun County Council on Aging




    200 Milligan Circle
    Saint Matthews, SC 29135
    United States


    Calhoun County Council on Aging (CCCOA) is a county agency that provides programs and services to promote the well-being of aging persons residing in Calhoun County, SC. Its purpose is to help them maintain their independence, function to the best of their ability, and to inform them of resources, activities and opportunities available in the community.

  • Clarendon County Council on Aging




    Post Office Box 522
    Manning, SC 29102
    United States


    Clarendon County Council on Aging, serves as the aging focal point and resource connection for seniors and adults with disabilities, caregivers, families, and professionals.

  • Colleton County Council On Aging, Inc.




    39 Senior Avenue
    Walterboro, SC 29488
    United States


    The Colleton county on Aging, Inc.'s mission is to address the cognitive, social/emotional and physical needs of the senior citizens of the county. This Nonprofit Human Services Agency provides hope, encouragement and support through an array of services designed to meet the individual client's needs. Emphases are placed on providing home delivered meals and service that promote health, wellness and preventive care.

  • Dorchester Seniors, Inc.




    312 North Laurel Street
    Summerville, SC 29843
    United States


    Provides services to the senior population.

    There are two Senior Center locations operated by Dorchester Seniors, Inc.

    Faith Sellers Senior Center
    312 North Laurel Street
    Summerville, SC 29483

    David Sojourner Senior Center
    5361 East Jim Bilton Boulevard
    St. George, SC 29477

  • Fairfield County Council on Aging




    210 E. Washington St.
    Winnsboro, SC 29180
    United States


    FCCOA is a nonprofit based in Winnsboro, SC, that collaborates with organizations in Fairfield County on providing senior services. FCCOA receives funding and guidance from federal, state, local governments and generous donors to carry out its mission of providing senior services and resources to improve the quality of life for the county's senior population.

    Vision - Fairfield County Council on Aging aims to address the physical, social, mental and emotional needs of the elder population by equipping them with knowledge, assisting them with nutritional requirements and providing access to programs and services designed to elevate their well-being.

  • Gourmade Meals In Your Home, LLC




    281 Colony Lakes Dr.
    Lexington, SC 29073
    United States


    Gourmade Meals In Your Home, LLC prepares and deliver healthy and delicious meals to individuals in their home. Meals include 3 plans to choose from: Full, Heart Healthy, & Simply Healthier. We also provide services to individuals with dietary limitations.

  • Greer Community Ministries




    738 S. Line St. EXT.
    Greer, SC 29650
    United States


    For over 50 years our mission has remained the same; to ensure that no one in the greater Greer community is hungry, without adequate clothing, or socially isolated. And we fulfill this mission through our Meals on Wheels and Senior Dining programs as well as our food pantry, and clothing closet.  

  • Lee County Council on Aging, Inc




    51 Wilkinson Road
    Bishopville, SC 29010
    United States


    We are a Non-Profit 501 3c Organization.  Our main service to seniors in SC is serving meals. We deliver hot and/or frozen meals to many areas in the county. We also serve meals on-site at two locations: the town of Bishopville and the SpringHill community. 
    In addition to serving meals, we provide education, social, and recreational activities at our on-site locations. 

  • Lexington County Recreation & Aging Commission - Council on Aging




    125 Parker Street
    Lexington, SC 29072
    United States


    Lexington County Recreation & Aging Commission's Aging Program is a special purpose district whose mission is to improve the quality of life of older adults throughout Lexington County through creative, meaningful, life enriching experiences. This is done through the provision of program services, facilities, and education. Some programs and services may depend on available funds, an individual's severity of need, and the geographic location of the individual.


  • Mom's Meals




    6650 Rivers Avenue
    Suite 1407
    Charleston, SC 29406
    United States


    PurFoods, LLC dba Mom’s Meals (“Mom’s Meals”) is a USDA-inspected food preparation and home-delivered meal service dedicated to providing delicious meals to our customers nationwide. Mom’s Meals strives to be the leading provider of aging, disabled and patient nutrition solutions that preserve health, help combat chronic disease, support recuperation and nourish independence for high-quality living at home. Mom's Meal's mission is to help keep seniors & individuals with disabilities in the comfort of their homes as long as possible by delivering nutritious meals directly to their homes. We have grown to provide daily in-home nutrition support for over 180,000 unique clients across the country. We utilize a HIPAA-compliant database that tracks each client's ordering history, feedback, notes from Case Managers, etc. Every client's order is maintained in their respective account and includes the number of meals for each delivery and delivery verification. 



  • Piedmont Agency on Aging




    808 South Emerald Road, P.O. Box 997
    Greenwood, SC 29648
    United States


    Piedmont Agency on Aging provides free home-delivered meals to seniors 60 and older in Greenwood, Abbeville, Laurens and Saluda Counties. Other services provided are senior center meals and transportation to the centers and medical appointments. Low and no cost services are available. 

  • Senior Centers of Cherokee County, Inc.




    499 W. Rutledge Avenue
    Gaffney, SC 29341
    United States


    The mission for the Senior Centers of Cherokee County is to be the focal point for providing all senior adults with information and services designed to assist them in leading independent, meaningful, and dignified lives in their own homes and communities as long as possible. In 1972, The Senior Center began as a pilot project under the “Family Counseling” umbrella of Spartanburg, SC. In 1975, Cherokee County
    Services to the aging was chartered as a 501C3. Senior Centers of Cherokee County is the local area on aging.

  • Senior Resources, Inc.




    2817 Millwood Ave.
    Columbia, SC 29205
    United States


    Senior Resources is a non-profit organization that coordinates services, provides resources and encourages the personal choices that allow Midland's area senior citizens to remain independent. Services include meal opportunities (home-delivered meals and group dining meals) and wellness centers (senior centers). Volunteer opportunities are available each weekday for Meals on Wheels.  Low and no-cost services are available. 

  • Sumter Senior Services




    119 South Sumter Street
    PO Box 832
    Sumter , SC 29151
    United States


    Sumter Senior Services is a non-profit organization designated as the focal point for aging services in Sumter County for programs, services, information and advocacy for older adults. The mission is to provide opportunities for physical, mental, and emotional wellness which support independence and enrich the quality of life for older adults. 

    Services include meal opportunities (home-delivered meals and group dining meals) and senior centers.  Low and no-cost services are available.  Volunteer opportunities (AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP) are available each weekday.   

  • York County Council on Aging




    917 Standard Street
    Rock Hill, SC 29730
    United States


    The York County Council on Aging offers numerous services aimed at keeping the senior citizens of York and Chester counties living independently and productively.

    Our goals of promoting health and wellness, and our coordination of key services have provided the priceless gift of independence for many seniors in York and Chester counties.

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